
Z's Report on Malice Mizer

You wanted Visual Gay? Well, here it is.

Malice Mizer. Engrish for Malice and misery; the answer to the question "Why didn't I pay attention in English class, or even bothered to do my research before picking something as important as my band name?" Was formed in 1992 by Mana and Közi. Two homosexual college drop-outs. Aspired by acts as XXX Japan and Luna Semen, also they wanted an excuse to display their fetishes on-stage. They invited YU~KI on bass and got themselves a trademark j-rock crap vocalist, Tetsu. They also had a drummer called Gaz, but he left to join finnish love metal band HIM.

This was after Kami joined. Who probably had more talent than the others combined. Too bad though the man was a gay pussy. Anwyays. The story advances and because the band sucks ass, they find it hard to get signed. But Mana, the most fabulous out of the lot has a way to get around that, founding his own label. He came up with "Midi:Nette" (french for little queer) and decided it would be best to never talk again, because everything he had said up until that point was utter bullcrap.

So they released a CD which was a guided-by-instruments-screaming-and-crying-Tetsu, and due to negative feed back, Tetsu left and commited social suicide. Only to later return as a broken and even worse solo artist. But this is besides the point.

One year later, the gang has their head in their hands, but then someone comes along. It was the spokesmen of the gay society in Japan and the one and only Gackuto Camui. A bulk of faggotry, ego and no talent whatsoever. His idea to make this band better was taking their costumes, getting them finger painted by 5 year olds and re-using them. This had major succes and Malice Mizer PV's were actually being featured in between episodes of Doraemon and Dragon Ball.

But at one point Mana got sick of not being the biggest gaylord of the group, and kicked Gackt's lilly butt out. Kami who was Gackt's lover and slave, got heartbroken and died. RIP Kami. As I said, Kami was the only talented one, so the band was in deep shit. They had no vocalist, and no talent any more. They clinged on to some stuff Kami had lying around still and prayed for a miracle.

Then came Klaha. An opera fag, and a man with an idea. "Colorful and classical? No, we need to become emo kids." Then came the black, the churches, the depressions and the mainstream-church-music crap. They were originally planning to rename to "My Chemical Malice" or "Bullet For My Mizer". But they decided they'd lose the rest of their credibility. They lasted one album still and were officially declared dead. Which made no difference to their personal life as they posted regulary on MySpace "We are dead inside." and "Comment my new pix<3"

Now all the members are doing their own thing. Mana has continued leeching off of other people's talent. Gackt is a full time faggot. Tetsu has been explained already. Közi republished old Malice stuff and claimed it albums and YU~KI did the wisest thing and became an hero.

This was my report on Malice Mizer.


Next up is Kaya

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